17 November 2009

Exciting "news"

I've had 3 recent portfolio building sessions that I'm so excited about. I finally put myself out there and decided to offer sessions for free while I'm skill building. And so far the response has been great. I can't wait to share some of the pictures!

I may be moving the blog soon to it's official named blog, Elizabeth Behm photography, super creative I know!
But that's a work in progress, so for now I'll post sneak peeks here as well as share my other photos I take.

It's a big week coming up with the holidays, and two fun sessions at home. I'm so excited!

14 November 2009

tutu sweet!


07 November 2009

big blue eyes.

original crop, originally uploaded by whippetmomphotography.
She was just enjoying herself at the park...I love the colors in this one.

Click on the photo to bring up the big version (flickr resizes!! grr!)

loving my new lens!

This was taken with my new 28-75 f/2.8 lens (I'm in love!).

And Gavin was actually excited about taking pictures. It was great!